My writing History

On (Monday 5-20-13) my instructor asked us” Tell  a little about your writing history.  What type of papers have you written?  Do you like to write?  Why or why not? So I thought I should share it with you guys here i hope you like it 🙂

  • I believe i start writing in English when i was 14 or 15.Before i came to the U.S.A i only wrote in Arabic.Learning English and writing in English has always been my dream  For me Writing is like a magical way of putting together my thoughts. I have hard times and many obstacles in my writing,but that doesn’t stop me from writing. I have done many different styles of writing in high school.I wrote small/long essays,7 poems personal diary and i am blog writer  I love writing because maybe I’ll inspire someone with my writing like some people have done to me.Also Writing allows escape from reality into my little own world.

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